We are a research based, data lead company who help to excel your employer brand value

Strong employer brand comes from action based research, not a universal research but a specific and scientific targeted research. Having a strong employer brand is increasing the quality of job applicants, improving the accept/reject ratio, and lowering the compensation you need to offer. Luximore comes with scientific proven methodologies ”Employer Brand Diamond Model” as the main framework in each research. "Employer Brand Diamond Model” consist of 72 attributes to help employer better understand their image internally and externally. "Employer Diamond Model” gives a clear picture of company as organisation (highlighting the image and reputation & remuneration and benefit), management and employees as part of organisation (highlighting the management and leadership style, working environment, job characteristic), and employees as self (highlighting values, personality and characters from the current and future talent). Our framework helps employer to make data-driven decisions about their desired employer brand position.

Our various insight provides a deep understanding of your position in employer brand battleground, your target talents’ top preferences and how they perceive you as an employer. This insight enabling you to pinpoint your true internal strengths and what might be more aspiring aspects of your employer brand. Our data helps you identifying patterns in your attractiveness which enables a greater contextual understanding of your position within the talent landscape. This insight allows you to deep dive into the data that help you to better activate and refine your employer brand message to effectively attract the best-right talent which is a key success in the war for talent. It also helps you understand in what area your competitors are perform better than you. It provides a comprehensive internal and external perspective on how you are perceived as an employer.

Luximore helps you through quantitative and qualitative research in order to give you a clear picture of your key differentiators, so you can be the employer of choice.

What we create:

Employer Brand Survey

Ranking Survey

Talent Perception Studies

Employer Battleground Analysis

Communication Content Audit

Employer Brand Audit

Custom Made Insight

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